Monday, January 10, 2011

Leg Warmers

So I've learned how to make leg warmers (as known as baby legs for babies). And boy are the simple. I don't know about the cheap part. Depends on what you would pay for them. Personally, I can't bring myself to spend more then $5 on things like this.

I made these miniature ones from some Christmas socks. I thought they were cute and had actually intended to wear them as socks. However, they did not fit my feet lol. There wasn't a whole lot of stretch to them. And my daughter didn't like them as socks. So I cut them up and make her some leg warmers. She just loved them!
Of course I couldn't stop at just one pair. So, I made some more. I got these socks from Kmart. They came with another pair that I am saving for a sock monkey. So, for $2.50 I got some extra cute leg warmers that I can wear if I want. Or my teenage daughter can use as arm warmers.

Without adding up the cost of things like need and thread, I got myself 2 sets of leg warmers for only $3.50!! I'm not sure what the cost would be if you had to buy the thread and needle. As I had already had those things laying around. And I used my sewing machine.

Later I will try to post up a tutorial on how to make your own baby legs/leg warmers/arm warmers. They seem to be all the rave for babies. And it's so much cheaper if you do it yourself.

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