Sunday, January 9, 2011

Teens Express Themselves

I don't know a single teenager out there today that isn't trying to be different from the crowd. Trying to put their own twist on things. They all want to be different, yet the same. And sometimes, as a parent, you have to step back and do a double take to ensure their modes of self expression are safe and healthy habits.

Here's just one of the many ways my teenage daughter loves to show her uniqueness. A girly suit shirt pair with pigtails and....a TUTU!

She received many compliments from her peers. And a few even asked where they could obtain one. So Mommas, watch out! Your teenager may be asking for one of their own soon. And why not? They fun and creative.

*Normally my tutus are not seen with the elastic showing. She chose to wear a tutu meant for a 6 year old CHILD. It shows the elastic is super stretchy, but the material was added to stretch this far. Had the tutu been worn by a child between the ages of 5 and 9 it would have retained it's full fluffy potential and no elastic would have been seen.

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